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Re: Events of AMORC in 1990

Bringing the many Rosicrucian groups together would be moot if the many individual Rosicrucian's failed to rejoin the respective fraternities they dropped out of. Indeed a grand catch-all fraternity might have something to offend everyone leading to more drop outs.

The individuals do count, dont they? Or does the organization reign supreme? Personally I think the bad effects of the 1990 USA AMORC scandal don't rub off on us that joined, even if briefly, learned as much as we could and gave as much loyalty as we dared; only to leave and start a new direction better suited to ourselves. I don;t see as much failure as a logical conclusion to the Rosicrucian motto of rekindling the spiritual lights in humanity: of course people would eventually go their separate ways when they felt spiritually confined. I'm sad it didn't happen gracefully , all the more because now I hate to call myself Rosicrucian as that implies allegiance to some one organization. I still believe in the ideals and the timeless explanations the Rosicrucians have of the universe.

Sometimes things don't work out (as I noted in a prior post) and you wonder if some Cosmic law deems it should be so, at least at some point in space and time. Mayby the many Rosicrucian splinter groups is a commendation of it's validity; that it's teachings can be usefull to so many different places and groups attests to it's soundness.

Re: Re: Events of AMORC in 1990

I agree with your comments. The only important thing about being a member of a group is that

I am in full agreement with what you said. An organization can be important, but regardless of what happens, you are a member of the more important organization, the "Invisible Fraternity". Sometimes, an organization can be confining to your spiritual development. For the newer members, check the "Egregore" page for a clearer understanding of what I mean. There is much more to Rosicrucianism than an organization.

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Replying to:

Bringing the many Rosicrucian groups together would be moot if the many individual Rosicrucian's failed to rejoin the respective fraternities they dropped out of. Indeed a grand catch-all fraternity might have something to offend everyone leading to more drop outs.

The individuals do count, dont they? Or does the organization reign supreme? Personally I think the bad effects of the 1990 USA AMORC scandal don't rub off on us that joined, even if briefly, learned as much as we could and gave as much loyalty as we dared; only to leave and start a new direction better suited to ourselves. I don;t see as much failure as a logical conclusion to the Rosicrucian motto of rekindling the spiritual lights in humanity: of course people would eventually go their separate ways when they felt spiritually confined. I'm sad it didn't happen gracefully , all the more because now I hate to call myself Rosicrucian as that implies allegiance to some one organization. I still believe in the ideals and the timeless explanations the Rosicrucians have of the universe.

Sometimes things don't work out (as I noted in a prior post) and you wonder if some Cosmic law deems it should be so, at least at some point in space and time. Mayby the many Rosicrucian splinter groups is a commendation of it's validity; that it's teachings can be usefull to so many different places and groups attests to it's soundness.

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Serafine Anthony Lemos - Hayward, CA, USA