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Re: The Absurdity of Anxiety:In Verse.

There seems to be a world of difference between this post and the one proceeding it on the same topic. Trusting providence to provide is commendible but tempting the fates is not.

"I don't worry can easily translate to "I don't care".

One scenario in the Christian's Bible advises all to give away our riches, another suggests investment is mandatory as in "you knew I was a stern task master and expected results".

And of course there is the classic Christian admonition to "not be unevenly yoked" apparently referring to marriage. Simplifying the double negative would translate to: "choose a suitable partner to carry out your life's purpose".

Is there an over riding purpose to life?

It has been mentioned H. S. Lewis did not follow his own advice on health and died at an early age. Reading a 1930's monograph on the subject (from my Father's and now my own collection) it is downright scolding on the subject of health. Health, according to DR. Lewis, was not something that went wrong and required such expert manipulation; Dr. Lewis said the Oriental philosophy was better in that it assumed the natural state of being was to be healthy. I have often pointed out the official Rosicrucian response to the world events of the late 1930's, when Dr. Lewis was still Imperitor, was unrealistic at best, blantantly insulting at worst. Many many horrible things transpired in the late late 1930's and of course 1940's ( World War II). Couldn't Dr. Lewis "see the handwriting on the wall"? He certainly tried very hard to the point of sacrificing himself and yet things would get worst for many millions on Earth, much worst before getting better.

Which brings us to the point of this post: as mystics we should be able to tap higher powers enabling us to do our tasks with grace and dignity. Almost envaritably we thrash around and grind our teeth because it doesnt work out that well. And we care very deeply if we fail.

It would seem the cosmos forgives us for fretting - for apathy or ignoring our calling only the worst punishment can be expected.

>Old Gruntal (aged 56 yrs and still fermenting)

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Serafine Anthony Lemos - Hayward, CA, USA