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Re: Not Quite the End of Dark Night of the Soul yet...

Thank you for your question. I will try to answer the best I can. When I was a child about four years old , I began to experience a floating sensation. This would occur many times when I had retired for the night, or upon waking up also. And also sometimes when sitting comfortable in a chair. After several moments of this very pleasant sensation there would come a deeper awareness. I was in a state that could only be described as infinite love. I became very devout, and my upbringing in the Catholic faith, and schooling, which required daily attendance at Mass, only increased my ability. Many times throughout the day, I would find myself falling into a peaceful bliss. My teachers were constantly yelling at me to quit "daydreaming " and pay attention. Fortuneately, I never listened. Years later, when I began following a definite course in mysticism, I heard the analogy of musical tuning forks. Instinctively, That felt like what happens to me during attunement. I would be vibrating at a certain set of frequencies and , and that frequency would adjust to and match a higher set of frequencies. This is the best I can describe it.

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Serafine Anthony Lemos - Hayward, CA, USA