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Using inner resources in daily trials

In most ways, it is fruitless to speculate what things would be like if they weren’t like they are. Even the question sounds absurd. But I find myself wondering how much more difficult my circumstances are because I have chosen the path I am on. If I think back on a time before I recommitted myself to the Rosicrucian path, it seems that things were easier. Albeit, I didn’t quite have the inner resources I have developed in the meantime. But I guess that’s the way it works. You develop more inner resources - i.e. more capacity to withstand hardship - and then you are tested and given a heavier load.

The office politics where I work are nastier and subtler than anywhere I have ever worked before. I am the breadwinner for a wife and three kids. This combination creates some psychological pressure. I know this isn’t unique. It’s the modern urban condition.

When I started here in May, I fought with my nerves to the point where I had serious indigestion for several days. That’s when I got to the point in the monographs where health (sleep, balance of energies) is dealt with. It came at just the right time. I sometimes feel like I wouldn’t have survived the summer without the practices I learned. Interesting. So many Rosicrucians say they learn exactly what they need precisely when they need it. I certainly got just “what the doctor ordered”.

I’m struggling with my fears. I’m dealing with issues that go all the way back to my youth. A year ago I was proud of myself if I managed to meditate daily. Now I am withdrawing to my internal refuge three times a day and more, because I need to. You can’t get much done, and you can’t think clearly, unless you can calm yourself, and feel confident that inspiration is coming from within.

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Serafine Anthony Lemos - Hayward, CA, USA