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Last Call for Stalls - Cookham Scout Fair, Saturday 15 June from 11-4pm.

This is just a reminder about our Cookham Scout Fair, Saturday 15 June from 11-4pm.

I have the following stallholders confirmed as coming:
Agosti Gelato
Cookham Rise Methodist Church
Rainbow Guides
JQ Dresses
Cookham Rotary Club
Maidenhead ATC
SML Creations
Charlotte's Brownies
African accessories stall
Stella's plant pots
CB Crafts (Pens)
Jacqueline's silver jewellery
Drapes&Beads by Pallavi
La Rose Noire
Prema's Kitchen
Holy Trinity Church
Cookham Parish Council
Combined Animal Charities

We can still fit more stalls. And I am hoping that I have noted everyone who is coming - apologies if I left anyone off (I do have a full time day job and moonlight as a yoga teacher!) so my admin can be delayed.

The cost of a single pitch is £20 for charity stalls or £40 for business stalls. Stalls are big: They are 7m x 7m. Funds go to the Scouts and require a lot of resources to make this happen.

We are also planning the schedule for the dog show and bands so I will update the confirmed stallholders as we approach the time.

PLEASE ONLY EMAIL ME IF YOU WOULD LIKE A SPACE. I appreciate that the date might not work for some stall holders so I will still keep you on the list for next year.

This will be the last big group email blast, so if you are not coming or interested, this is the last email of this nature 😎

If you wish to reserve a pitch, please respond to this email and please transfer either £20 (charity only) or £40 (small business stall) to the following account:
1st Cookham Scouts, Sort code 23-05-80 Account no. 33046014
Please reference "Stall" and your charity or business name
** Only upon transferring will your stall be reserved **
No cheques please.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Shannon Phillis
+44 7786 276 626 (please only call as a last resort, I prefer email so I can keep record)
Volunteer stall coordinator